Scientific research & publications Falkner-Radler, M.D.
My research with a focus on the posterior part of the eye (retina and macula) started during my residency at the department of Ophthalmology, Clinic Landstraße (Rudolf Foundation Hospital) in Vienna.
addition to evaluating established surgical procedures for the treatment of retinal detachment (buckle surgery, primary vitrectomy and silicone oil surgery) I have investigated different surgical procedures for severe stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): Submacular surgery, transplantation of pigment epithelial cells (suspension) and parts of the pigment epithelium (flap) of the retina. See also the book recommendation and the interview: “The aging eye”.
Then I evaluated and compared a diagnostic tool, the optical coherence tomography (OCT), which provides a very detailed visualization of the intraretinal layers and changes in the center of the retina (macula) and thus became essential in the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), epiretinal membranes (see also: reference 2) and macular holes.
In addition, studies on outcomes after surgery in these patients were conducted and promising results were reported after combined surgery (cataract surgery combined with vitrectomy, see also reference 2) using the newest technologies.
I was awarded the teaching authorization for Ophthalmology and Optometry as Associate Professor on the basis of my thesis on “Latest findings in the treatment of retinal detachment and macular surgery” and my numerous scientific publications.
Based on my scientific work and experience I am appoined Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at Cornell University.
Lead authorships:
Falkner-Radler C.I. Vollständige Visuserholung trotz Maklua-off-Amotio. Augenspiegel 2020, Jänner: 26-27.
Falkner-Radler C.I., Glittenberg C, Gabriel M, Binder S. Intrasurgical Micropscope-Integrated Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography assisted Membrane Peeling. Retina 2015;35(10):2100-6.
Falkner-Radler C.I., Graf A, Binder S. Vitrectomy combined with endolaser or an encircling scleral buckle in primary retinal detachment surgery: a pilot study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2015; 93(5):464-9.
Falkner-Radler C.I., Gabriel M., Binder S. Spontaneous closure of an idiopathic macular hole 9 months after unsuccessful vitreoretinal surgery. Retinal Cases & Brief Reports 2014;8(3):157-60.
Falkner-Radler CI, Smretschnig E, Graf A, Binder S. Outcome after silicone oil Removal and simultaneous 360° endolaser treatment. Acta Ophthalmol. 2011; 89(1):e46-51.
Falkner-Radler CI, Myung JS, Moussa S, Chan RVP, Smretschnig E, Kiss S, Graf A, D’Amico DJ, Binder S. Trends in Primary Retinal Detachment Surgery: Results of a Bicenter Study. Retina 2011; 31(5):928-36.
Falkner-Radler CI, Krebs I, Glittenberg C, Povazay B, Drexler W, Graf A, Binder S. Human retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) transplantation: outcome after autologous RPE-choroid sheet and RPE cell-suspension in a randomised clinical study. Br J Ophthalmol 2010; 95(3):370-5.
Falkner-Radler CI, Glittenberg C, Hagen S, Benesch T, Binder S. Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography for Monitoring Epiretinal Membrane Surgery; Ophthalmology 2010; 117(4): 789-805.
Falkner-Radler CI, Benesch T, Binder S. Accuracy of Preoperative Biometry in Vitrectomy Combined with Cataract Surgery for Patients with Epiretinal Membranes and Macular Holes: Results of a Prospective Controlled Clinical Trial. J Cataract Refract Surg 2008; 34(10):1754-1760.
Falkner-Radler CI, Binder S. Langzeitresultate nach mikrochirurgischer skleraeindellender Ablatiochirurgie, Klinisches Monatsblatt für Augenheilkunde 2008; 225(12):1055-1061.
Falkner-Radler CI, Glittenberg C, Binder S. Spectral Domain High-definition Optical Coherence Tomography in Patients Undergoing Epiretinal Membrane Surgery. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging 2008; 29:S50-S56.
Falkner-Radler CI, Benesch T, Binder S. Blue light-Filter intraocular lenses in vitrectomy combined with cataract surgery: Results of a randomized controlled clinical trial. Am J Ophthalmol 2008; 145(3):499-503.
Falkner CI, Leitich H, Frommlet F; Bauer P, Binder S. The end of submacular surgery for age related macular degeneration: A meta–analysis. Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2007; 245(4): 490-501.
Falkner CI, Binder S, Leitich H: Systematischer Review der submakulären Chirurgie bei altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration (AMD). Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 2003;17(1):15-20.
Falkner CI, Binder S, Kruger A. Outcome after silicone oil removal. Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85(11):1324-1327.
Falkner CI, Binder S, Kruger A. Resultate nach Silikonölentfernung bei PVR-Fällen. Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 2001;15/3:101-106.
Falkner CI, Binder S. Mikrochirurgisch versorgte Netzhautablösungen. Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 2001;15/6:233-237.
Lytvynchuk LM, Falkner-Radler CI, Grzybowski A Influence of optic media of the human eye on the imaging of Argus® II retinal prosthesis with intraoperative spectral-domain optical coherence tomography – Einfluss der optischen Medien des menschlichen Auges auf die Bildgebung einer Argus®-II-Retinaprothese mit intraoperativer Spectral-Domain optischer Kohärenztomografie. Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 2020;34:1-9
Lytvynchuk LM, Falkner-Radler CI, Krepler K Dynamic intraoperative optical coherence tomography for inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique in large macular hole surgery, Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2019
Lytvynchuk LM, Falkner-Radler CI, Grzybowski A Influence of optic media of the human eye on the imaging of Argus® II retinal prosthesis with intraoperative spectral-domain optical coherence tomographyEinfluss der optischen Medien des menschlichen Auges auf die Bildgebung einer Argus®-II-Retinaprothese mit intraoperativer Spectral-Domain optischer Kohärenztomografie. Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 2019 [Epub ahead of print].
Smretschnig E, Falkner-Radler CI, Spörl J, Kivaranovic D, Binder S, Krepler K. Primary Retinal Detachment Surgery: Changes in Treatment and Outcome in an Austrian Tertiary Eye Center, Ophthalmologica 2017; 237:55-62.
Lytvynchuk LM, Glittenberg CG, Falkner-Radler CI et al. Evaluation of intraocular lens position during phacoemulsification using intraoperative spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2016;42(5):694-702.
Haas P, Falkner-Radler CI, Wimpissinger B, Zebrowska M, Binder S. Needle Size in intravitreal injections- pain evaluation of a randomized clinical. trial. Acta Ophthalmol 2016;94(2):198-202.
Smretschnig S, Falkner-Radler CI, Binder S, Spörl J, Ristl R, Glittenberg C, Krepler K. Vision-related Quality of Life and Visual Function after Retinal Detachment Surgery, Retina 2016;36(5):967-73.
Gabriel M, Falkner-Radler CI und Binder S. Subretinal migration of Membrane Blue-Dual during epiretinal membrane peeling. Spektrum Augenheilkunde 2015;29,(4):156-158.
Lee S, Falkner-Radler CI und Binder S. The course of lamellar macular holes: assessment by Cirrus and Stratus OCT. Spektrum der Augenheilkunde, 2014, 28: 142
Brunner S, Mora A, Fonseca J, Weber T, Falkner-Radler CI, Oeser R, Binder S. Monitoring of Drusen and Geographic Atrophy Area Size after Cataract Surgery Using the MD3RI Tool for Computer-Aided Contour Drawing. Ophthalmologica 2013; 229 (7):86-93.
Binder S, Falkner-Radler CI; Hauger C, Matz H, Glittenberg C. „Feasibility of intrasurgical spectral-domain-optical coherence tomography. Retina 2011; 31(7):1332-6.
Hagen S, Krebs I, Haas P, Glittenberg C, Falkner-Radler CI, Graf A, Ansari Shahrezaei S, Binder S. Reproducibility and comparison of retinal thickness and volume measurements in normal eyes determined with two different Cirrus OCT scanning protocols. Retina 2011;31(1):41-47.
Glittenberg C, Krebs I, Falkner-Radler C, Zeiler F, Haas P, Hagen S, Binder S. Advantages of using a ray-traced, three-dimensional rendering system for spectral domain Cirrus HD-OCT to visualize subtle structures of the vitreoretinal interface. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2009;40:127-34.
Krebs I, Falkner-Radler C; Hagen S; Haas P; Brannath W; Lie S; Ansari-Shahrezaei S; Binder S. Qualitiy of Threshold Algorithm in Age-related Macular Degeneration: Stratus versus Cirrus OCT; Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2009; 50(3):995-1000.
Glittenberg C, Krebs I, Falkner-Radler C, Zeiler F, Haas P, Hagen S, Binder S. Advantages of Using a Ray-traced, Three-dimensional Rendering System for Spectral Domain Cirrus HD-OCT to Visualize Subtle Structures of the Vitreoretinal Interface. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging 2008; 39:S21-S29.
Povazay B, Hermann B, Unterhuber A, Hofer B, Sattmann H, Zeiler F,Morgan JE, Falkner-Radler C, Glittenberg C, Blinder S, Drexler W. Three-dimensional optical coherence tomography at 1050 nm versus 800 nm in retinal pathologies: Enhanced performance and choroidal penetration in cataract patients. J Biomed Opt 2007;12(4):041211.
C. Glittenberg, B. Povaczay, B. Hermann, F. Zeiler, C. Falkner, W. Drexler, S. Binder. Dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion von Schichtbildaufnahmen der Netzhaut. Spektrum Augenheilkd 2007; 21:13-16.
Book contributions:
Susanne Binder and Christiane Falkner-Radler: Chapter XII: Age related changes in the Macula Lutea: I Types and future directions, Christiane Falkner-Radler and Susanne Binder. Chapter XIII: Age related changes in the Macula Lutea: II Idiopathic Macular Holes, Christiane Falkner-Radler and Susanne Binder. Chapter XIV: Age related changes in the Macula Lutea: Epiretinal Membranes; Age-Related Changes of the Human Eye, Series: Aging Medicine by Carlo Cavallotti, Springer Verlag 2008
Falkner CI, Binder S, Leitich H. Submacular Surgery for Age – Related Macular Degeneration: A Systematic Review; The Macula- Diagnosis, Treatment and Future Trends by Binder S, Springer Verlag, 2004
Binder S, Glittenberg C, Falkner-Radler C, Krebs I. Influence of vitreous Traction on AMD. Anomalous posterior vitreous detachment is associated with dry AMD, and vitreomacular attachment with wet AMD. Retina Today 2009.
„Das alternde Auge” (“The Aging Eye“) – an interview with Christiane I. Falkner-Radler, M.D. by Inge Smolek, Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 2008 22/6: 393–395.
Falkner CI, Bukaty E, Krebs I. 27-Gauge vitrectomy – the smaller the better? 2017, Acta Ophthalmologica
Smretschnig S, Krepler K, Falkner-R